Monday 7 May 2012

Quick look back at mod_python

 mod_python was depreciated

The Apache Software Foundation June board meeting, which took place on June 16, 2010, unanimously passed a resolution to terminate Apache Quetzalcoatl Project (umbrella project for mod_python)

mod_python in effect was superceded by mod_wsgi
(an alternative Apache module for running Python web applications) also offers a daemon mode that is more secure and easier handled for a non-root webhosting user.

Web Server Gateway Interface (wsgi)

Werkzeug The Python WSGI Utility Library
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2
WebOb WSGI request and response objects

Release 3.3.1
January 29, 2007

"Currently mod_python is not under active development.
The code and the project are mature enough that very little is required to maintain it". Gregory Trubetskoy
Note: to get help with installation and other issues is the mod python mailing list.  ... by sending an e-mail with the word ‘subscribe’ in the subject to

"a bug in mod_python was exposed by some changes to the Apache runtime library and since no mod_python release has been made since then, only option was for distributions to patch it themselves. "

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